Registration for t-ball through intermediate league is live now through March 3, 2025.
Click here to register: Neenah Baseball Registration
If you are interested in learning how to partner with Neenah Baseball as a sponsor, please see our Sponsor Page for more information.
Future weather alerts will be posted here
Our goal is to have practice schedules sent out and posted here at the end of March and game schedules to be finalized, sent and posted by the middle of April. League schedules will be very similar to the 2024 schedules that are posted below.
Here at Neenah Baseball we strive to provide fun and enriching experiences for kids of all ages in the area, while building the fundamentals and passion needed to continue to grow as a player. Opportunities include summer and fall leagues, tournament teams, local tournaments, umpiring, as well as our Discovery League. Browse the site for more information, and if you can't find what you are looking for, please contact us!
Discovery Softball League
Discovery Softball League is a league for special needs individuals ages 4 years old through adult. This includes physical, mental, cognitive, and hearing impaired disabilities.
Contact: Mara Schlinz with questions on the Discovery League
Do you know a company or person that would like to sponsor a Neenah Baseball team in 2025 and see your company logo on their shirts all season long, or on a tournament banner traveling to multiple cities? Please visit our sponsor page to learn more and fill out a registration form!
All league and tournament head and assistant coaches need to go through a background check every year, paid for by Neenah Baseball. Click the link below to register if you will coach in 2025. Thank you!
Would you like to umpire games during the 2024 season? Please visit our umpire page to learn more and register!
Neenah Baseball Inc. among others are key feeder programs into local high school baseball programs.